Thursday, February 26, 2009

Special-needs families

Anyone who is a parent can tell you that having children requires a significant readjustment of your marital relationship and personal priorities. For many couples, the strain of coping with a new baby (and even worse, the 2-year-old tyrant it eventually becomes) can shatter a marriage. Consider the difficulties of keeping your relationship strong when you have a special-needs child...
Married with Special-Needs Children: a couples' guide to keeping connected is an important resource for anyone who is in this situation. Financial issues, worry over the health and development of your child, intensive child-care schedules and the abrupt decline in romantic opportunities can burden even the strongest of relationships. Authors Laura Marshak and Fran Pollock Prezant offer parents ways to cope with stress, communicate about difficult subjects, find support sources outside the home and preserve a little bit of alone-time.
This book has a very specialized audience, but for those parents, the understanding and guidance in these pages can be of enormous assistance.

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