Friday, September 12, 2008

Delicious Books

With colder weather and shorter days, people always seem to start spending a little more time in the kitchen. Our cookbook section takes a hit, as people turn to comfort food and spicy dishes to get them through the long, dark winter.
Gourmet Indian in Minutes: over 140 inspirational recipes is a quick and easy way to introduce your family to the complex palate of Indian cooking. Short ingredient lists and fast-cook techniques allow you to put a full meal on the table in half an hour, and the ingredients - including the spices - are all readily available here in Ketchikan. Bombay-born author Monisha Bharadwaj presents a full range of recipes, from appetizers to dessert.
If you like your food with a bit of tang to it, try Gourmet Thai in Minutes: over 120 inspirational recipes, by Vatcharin Bhumichitr. Thanks to the rise in popularity of Thai cooking, most of the ingredients in this book can be found in town. Fish sauce, cilantro and lime juice are frequently used to create that distinctive Thai zing, and the recipes are all quick to prepare.
Union Oyster House Cookbook: recipes and history from America's oldest restaurant is the book to use if you want traditional New England seafood. Lobster salad, baked scrod (think small codfish), clam chowder (white, of course) and seafood pie are all presented here. There's even a recipe for codfish mashed potatoes - a staple of my mother's childhood. A few New England side dishes (baked beans, cornbread, oyster stuffing) and hearty desserts (apple pie, Indian pudding, gingerbread) complete the menu. Don't go looking for salads here - the only greens in a traditional New England seafood dinner is the sprig of parsley next to the giant cup of melted butter. Yum!!

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