Wednesday, September 3, 2008


People are becoming more and more aware of their impact on the planet and the impact of modern living upon themselves. Health concerns about environmental toxins, lead-laden toys, and food safety share equal space in the newspaper with warnings about climate change, disappearing wilderness and swelling landfills. There are two new books on the shelf that help people apply their growing concern for the environment to those who are most endangered: our children.
Growing Up Green!: baby and child care is a guide to raising children in an environmentally responsible - and safe - way. Written by Deidre Imus and backed up by 18 medical experts (including popular health guru Dr. Mehmet Oz), this book tackles issues such as vaccine safety, what plastics to avoid, buying safe toys, eating properly during pregnancy, and shopping for 'green' school supplies. With so many concerns about phthalates, lead, mercury and bisphenol A, it's nice to have a guide that clearly explains what to look for and how to keep these chemicals out of your kids' lives. Imus also discusses ways to keep your kids fit and fed with healthy foods, how to get involved in local environmental issues, and how to keep your schools, playgrounds and yards safe for children.
I Love Dirt! 52 activities to help you & your kids discover the wonders of nature is a great way to get your family out of the house and into the world. Author Jennifer Ward offers a variety of fun and easy activities for young children. Each activity is designed to get your child (and you) to experience the plants and animals around you. Even something as simple as puddle jumping is an opportunity to get your child thinking about the natural world and how they fit in with everything else. This is also a wonderful way to get your family out into the fresh air for a little exercise. Take this book home and get many fun ideas for nurturing little adventurers.

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